Serving As An Arbitrator And Mediator
Many construction and real estate disputes are not well-suited for litigation in court, before a judge and jury. This process is costly and time-consuming, not to mention complex. For these reasons, many parties involved in construction and real estate disputes prefer to have their disputes settled in mediation or decided by a qualified arbitrator. In the construction industry, it is essential the individual you select to handle your mediation or preside over your arbitration has the experience necessary to understand the complex matters at issue in your specific situation.
I have worked in the construction law field for 30 years. The vast majority of the construction disputes I have handled were referred to either mediation or arbitration, or both. I rely upon this extensive experience when serving as a mediator, as well as when serving as a neutral arbitrator.
During mediation, I facilitate discussion among all parties. I strive to resolve disputes that have developed during the process. My goal is to help you eliminate communications’ issues and present you with possible solutions to the problems you are experiencing. I work tirelessly to convince entrenched parties to reconsider their positions and share my experience as an advocate with the parties, as an objective observer.
As an arbitrator, I serve at the pleasure of the parties, and will work with them to design a process that is quick, efficient and less costly than litigation in court. I am committed to allowing each side the opportunity to present their version of events. I am on the American Arbitration Association’s panel of arbitrators, and I have presided over disputes involving several multimillion-dollar projects.
I have worked extensively with many of the other lawyers practicing construction law throughout the state. They know they can trust me to issue a decision or work toward a solution that is in the best interests of all parties.
In addition to these services, I am available to testify as an expert in construction law matters. I have been retained by many attorneys to discuss complex issues that arise in these cases.
Learn More About My Mediation And Arbitration Services
To learn more about my service as a neutral arbitrator and mediator, please call my El Segundo office at 310-955-4676 or send me an email using the form provided. I assist with arbitrations and mediations throughout Southern California.